In my life, I watch a lot of life dramas, that I happened to take some lessons.
1) do not frame your friend to catch others' attention
we, people, always need support. always need trust from others. that sometimes we tend to talk bad about others so that people will hate that person and pity us instead. that's wrong. honesty is the best policy. it is not a sin to admit our own mistake. this is life, which is temporary and it is okay to do wrong sometimes. mistake will teach us to be better. and if people might hate us because of our mistakes, that's not a problem, it does not matter at all. why? because we can change. change to a better version, and do kindness, gain the trust again, and restart a new beginning, and continue it in better way. instead of talking bad about others, we grow the hatred among us then lead us into disunity.
and one thing to remember, 'truth will always prevail'. people may trust you today, but not for forever, because it's quite hard to remember and hold the lies the whole life. you will show your true colors someday. so be you, do not try hard to be others, to tell something that never happen. truth first will piss you off, but it sets you free.
2) do not punish other when we know nothing
this is also a serious matter. do you know how dangerous the consequences when we blame others on something they did not do? especially if we told others first instead of asking the person who we blamed at the first place. or in other word, this is what we called as 'accuse'. this is not good, it will harm that person. imagine it, you blame/accuse the person, you tell others about something he/she did not do, you grow bad perception in others toward that person, you ruin the atmosphere, you put the person into situation he/she may not be able to handle it nicely, and you maybe pull away people from that person. it is obviously humiliating. you may feel happy, but trust me, you are not.
and one more thing, do not feel it is enjoyable or maybe comfortable to talk bad about others. because, it may happen to ourselves too. people call it karma. we feel ease to punish people for something bad they are doing while thinking we would never be like them. who knows? you may repeat the mistake. so, be a moderate person, do not punish people so severe. instead, be humble, be forgiving, and, do not judge someone for something you do not even know well.
to conclude my writing for tonight, never tell something bad about others. try to confront the person first if you have something in doubt, seek for the explanation, be wise instead of foolish yourself.
you will never wrong if you try to unite the community, instead of breaking it.
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